Hazardous Materials
We provide a drop-off program for Household Hazardous Materials (HHM) to Iowa County residents at no charge. Drop-off is available during normal business hours Monday - Friday only. Please call if you have a large load or questionable materials.
Commonly accepted items include:
Cleaners and disinfectants
Lawn and garden chemicals
Oil-based paints and stains
Thinners and solvents
Please dry your latex paint and dispose of it in your garbage. Please dispose of alkaline batteries in your garbage.
We do not accept hazardous materials from businesses. Please contact the Cedar Rapids/Linn County Solid Waste Agency at (319) 377-5290.
If you need technical assistance in identifying or complying with regulations for hazardous materials, you can contact Susan Johnson at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources at susan.johnson@dnr.iowa.gov or (515) 217-0872.
More information is available here.